Rogue General Enterprises specialty: military Buyers: We here at RGE support capitalism. its expensive but fair.NO PREJUDICE factory workers: $10/h secratary:$11/h GM/$20/h supervisor: $10/h Weapon Testers: 100$ new weapon tested + life insurance Engineers/developers:Varible
I'm in I guess. Imma claim an Education as long as it's free. And I'm guessing the free creds are sold out, but if not give me one of those.
Oh, and I'm starting a company-
Company name- M & M Enterprises/The Syndicate Salaries, as well as positions in the company, are negotiable, but EVERYONE has a share, the good of The Syndicate is the good of all.
I'll join and get that one last free 50 credits. I will also get a company name. I will also claim an education in Creating, (And if two educations can be claimed I will also get one education in Thinking. )
Thanks. No free credits left. Please give me a buisness desc.
Hey, i have a cool idea... Every person could have a education rating: 1- High School Diploma 2- Associate's Degree 3- Bachelor's 4- Master's 5- Doctorate 6- Medical Degree
There could be a company lvl also based on how educated the owner is...
The prices for education could slowly rise:
1- 40 2- 80 3- 120 4- 200 5- 360 6- 680
So to be a doctor, it would be 1480.
Contact Candunc, I will be the final review, but i want the situation report from You and Candunc. MARKET CLOSED UNTIL A GURU ONLINE. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO POST!
MARKET OPEN plead-for-destruction added. Read the whole of the first post. Including Market. Use the format and put a preview at the end if you want too.