creators get paid a percentage of what their creations income is, i.e. what revenue they bring in. @little-ditch yes you can, I will set it when I get home from school.
convo to me, then I post them on the market, and when you send me a creation, an estimate of what you would like it to SELL for would be great, that goes for all of the creators.
Good day to you. I see that you took no delays unlike me in starting up your business. It has come to my attention the great similarity between Logic Industries and Powder Toy Technology in both the people and the theme. Hence thy propose a merger between the two organisations. I am sure that you understand that this may only benefit the two involved parties as you will gain more employees and loose a competitor.
The terms I lay forth for the merger are as follow: - You and I are seen on equal terms - I will handle more in terms of the creations and you the business - All Powder Toy Technology employees are accepted - There to be no hostility - All members that run a similar role within the corporation get equal pay including you and I.
These are the terms that thy has laid forth. I trust thee to make the best decision for Logic Industries. Also the name of the post-merger corporation must be discussed pre-merger.