Lol my dad used to say:'Everyone thought 2000 would be doomsday.' And I think the Big Bang is a cycle of a massive blackhole containing the universe exploding.
Apparently at the time of 24/12/2012 Is the time when a planet is going to hit us or change our gravitational force. But I actually don't believe that.
But I do think that the earth might end sometime soon(with-in 1000), Because global warming, Loss of natural resources(petroleum is calculated to finish in a hundred years), Solar flares, Booming with new technologies and Nukes, All do not mix well.
@HeyJD The planet you are refering to is Planet X/ Nibru. This is supposedly a dwarf star ( the other dwarf star) in our solar system, of which is large enough to ignite when near the sun, but small enough to be a planet far away (It's brown/ purple, apparently). It is 8 times the size of earth. The Mayans descibe it, and have recorded its passing, It has a rotation of about 3000 years cycle acording to the Mayans. If this theory is correct, even if it did not impact us, its moons and astroids would. If this doomsday theory is correct, then we should be able to see it in the near future, probably the end of this year, or the beggining of next year. This is one of the less plausable theories. Unless the earth is impacted with a force strong enough to litteraly destroy the Earth, the Earth will always survive/ recover, no matter what we do to it. We will be long gone before the Earth is gone. The more plausable and definite theory is The Yellow Stone Park volcano. This is one of 20 super volcanos on Earth capable of causing an ice age. The volcano is gaining pressure exponentialy and is expected to errupt in about a year or two... so say the scientists studying the volcano.
@HeyJd 12/21/2012 and that dooms day is not real it was in fact a joke made up over the internet a while ago some guy who studies the mayan ruins said it on back in 2010.Honestly i am so sick of these doomdays theorys but this so called may 12 2011 one is so called well in the bible >_> we all know what that might mean but honestly it could just be another joke or something because i have never seen it in the bible my grandma is a nun she told me it was not.Nuns read the bible almost 5 times a day the whole bible she has been a nun since 1975.