My computer is now a super computer...

  • vanquish349
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @shroom207 (View Post)
    you only want to know because you dont want say it has over the limit
  • dnerd
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    6GB (6X1GB) [Subtract $3,550.00]
    8GB (4X2GB) [Subtract $3,400.00]
    12GB (6X2GB) [Subtract $3,100.00]
    16GB (8x2GB) [Subtract $2,800.00]
    24GB (6X4GB) [Subtract $2,500.00]
    32GB (8x4GB) [Subtract $2,000.00]
    48GB (6x8GB) [Subtract $1,000.00]
    64GB (8x8GB)

    theres the range for a mac pro

    dude, with this:

    Two 2.93GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon “Westmere” (12 cores)

    and this:

    64GB (8x8GB)

    Think of how fast i could graph sine! or play TPT! OMG I WANT IT :D
  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok i just looked at it i have still the same ram.But my processor is 7.5
  • cctvdude99
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    PC spec:

    Graphics card (read exactly from the back of the box):
    Powered by NVIDIA GeForce 9500GT GPU
    1G DDR2 video memory
    *The rest is all random stuff that's pointless to write here*
  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • dnerd
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @shroom207 (View Post)
    why dont you take a pic to prove it ;P
  • shroom207
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @dnerd (View Post)
    I dont know how 2 post pics 2 the computer -.- you should know that.
  • dnerd
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @shroom207 (View Post)
    but you post annoying videos so well!
  • cctvdude99
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Then send us a link to the image. I'll post it.
    For videos all you do is post a link.
  • massey101
    9th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Wow... that was a terrible excuse. Also your brain will not repair itself, you can't ever create new brain neurones. And if you mean structuring your brain neurones better so you are smarter as you get older... thats not happening either. As you age you become worse and worse at this.

    I think this thread should be hijacked for posting stuff about computer speeds.
    The Processor I was going to get was the second generation intel core i5 2500K@ 3.3Ghz then overclocking it cause its a K for $210. Next getting 4Gb of 1333Mhz DDR3 Ram for only $50 (plan to put more in later, it is a single stick so I still have 3 slots). Then getting the intel DH67CL Motherboard for $110. This brings the cost up to $370.

    Then if I feel like it I will upgrade my NVIDIA GeForce 9600GT to the GTS 450 for $130. I was thinking of getting the GTX 460 but that would be $200 and I really don't have much to blow.

    The great thing about the intel i5 2500K is even when its not over clocked it can still out preform a standard i7 processor and its cheaper.
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