Isn't the 2012 Apocalypse a prediction from the Mayan calendar? Everthing else from the Mayan calendar has been predicted correctly and occured... We mustn't forget these guys had breathtaken knowledge of the stars, satellite movements and the solar system; they knew about stars that weren't visible to the naked eye. It wouldn't suprise me if it happened.
@TheRazorsEdge(View Post) Well you see thats just the thing.They were writing there calendar then they ran out of rock 2 carve the dates on.The last day they ran out on was 2012/12/21.Like seriously think it all over for a second they were 2 lazy 2 go get another rock lol.
@TheRazorsEdge(View Post) Yes, but most of us are relying on the word of the person that translates... for all we know, all of the mayans predictions were wrong... they didn't write it in english.
@The-Con(View Post) Oh also consider the fact that i heard some guy on youtube say 2012.Was just something made up over the internet for a joke.The guy who said this was a Astronomer :/
@shroom207 We were talking about this on IRC, Wikipedia says that one of the theorists was hyped up on hallucinogenic MUSHROOMS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! 2012 is a stupid conspiracy and to top it all off (according to my friend) the movie was racist as hell; all the black people go back to Africa at the end.
@Neospector(View Post) Lol i know it is just bull**** its never gonna happen.Oh also get a whiff of this people are saying the world is gonna end on may/13/2011.People are saying its in the bible but my grandma is a nun and has read the bible a hundred times and never saw anything like that in it lol.Seriously why are people making up all these end of the world things?