@jacob1 (View Post)
Only 168.Snapshot 167 works absolutely fine.
Also once all the options (change reso, Fullscreen and integer scaling) are turned on, unchecking fullscreen mode does nothing.
(Note: This is with "Resizable option" not turned on)
The only way to turn off fullscreen is to check resizable window option and then again uncheck fullscreen.
I have problem!
When i clicked the other saves where the TPT snapshot crashes game, and i stopped working thefore playing for minutes 59.
I don't know how to fix it.
EDIT1: she is from Old laptop, because im on Windows 7 Ultimate, That why is stopped to work. Did you
EDIT2: That only from Microsoft, Windows 7 Ultimate, Version 6.1.7601 ...
When trying to update to snapshot 169 it gives error:Server did not return any data.
Anyway i manually downloaded the snapshot.
Thumbnails as expected load almost instantly as the stamp/local save browser is opened and they are working normally again.
However the fullscreen mode bug is still there.One thing worth mentioning here is that on a fresh tpt install it wotks fine but after loading some stamps or saving some simulation settings it breaks.Maybe it's something related to powder.pref file maybe but i will investigate more about the issue.
Did you try that on windows? also the update error was from snapshot 167.