TPT Snapshots / Betas

  • Cracker1000
    21st Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink
    @jacob1 (View Post)
    There are some serious issues with the current snapshot.
    It takes unusually longer for tpt to launch or close.
    It gets memory read/write errors while trying to open local save / stamp browser.
    Even if the local save browser somehow shows up either it leads to online saves or it just crashes right away.I also felt a little sluggish performance as if tpt is utilising more resources than it should.
  • jacob1
    21st Mar 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Cracker1000 (View Post)
    Did these bugs happen in snapshot 167? Or only 168
  • Cracker1000
    21st Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)
    Only 168.Snapshot 167 works absolutely fine.


    Also once all the options (change reso, Fullscreen and integer scaling) are turned on, unchecking fullscreen mode does nothing.

    (Note: This is with "Resizable option" not turned on)

    The only way to turn off fullscreen is to check resizable window option and then again uncheck fullscreen.

    Edited 2 times by Cracker1000. Last: 22nd Mar 2019
  • jacob1
    23rd Mar 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Cracker1000 (View Post)
    The mrmory read / write errors with the stamp and local save browsers are now fixed in snapshot 169.

    Test again and check what other bugs there may be. You said it seemed slow, but I can't reproduce that. But LBPHacker did make Tasks detach their threads and not wait for completion (I don't think it was ever waiting for completion previously though)

    @Cracker1000 (View Post)
    I can't reproduce that fullscreen issue. I know of an issue where it takes one click to "focus" the tpt window even though it appears to have focus after toggling fullscreen. Confusing at first but probably not what is going on. Besides that, I really just can't reproduce it.

    But I found another bug where when resizable window is off, sometimes "force integer scaling" gets turned off.
  • Rashoneh
    23rd Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I have problem!


    When i clicked the other saves where the TPT snapshot crashes game, and i stopped working thefore playing for minutes 59.


    I don't know how to fix it.


    EDIT1: she is from Old laptop, because im on Windows 7 Ultimate, That why is stopped to work. Did you



    EDIT2: That only from Microsoft, Windows 7 Ultimate, Version 6.1.7601 ...

    Edited 2 times by Radoone. Last: 23rd Mar 2019
  • Cracker1000
    24th Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob1 (View Post)

     When trying to update to snapshot 169 it gives error:Server did not return any data.

    Anyway i manually downloaded the snapshot.

    Thumbnails as expected load almost instantly as the stamp/local save browser is opened and they are working normally again.

    However the fullscreen mode bug is still there.One thing worth mentioning here is that on a fresh tpt install it wotks fine but after loading some stamps or saving some simulation settings it breaks.Maybe it's something related to powder.pref file maybe but i will investigate more about the issue.

    Edited 2 times by Cracker1000. Last: 24th Mar 2019
  • jacob1
    24th Mar 2019 Developer 0 Permalink
    @Cracker1000 (View Post)
    What snapshot were you on before updating? Snapshot 165 and 166 had a bug where the updater was broken. Sounds like you were using that version.

    Still can't reproduce the fullscreen issue though.
  • Rashoneh
    25th Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    I have a question, @jacob1


    • Why fullscreen bug still can't reproduce again to fix yet
    • or i am to do fixing the glitches or somethin'?



  • jacob2
    25th Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink
    @Radoone (View Post)
    Can you be more clear on what bug you are seeing? Are you able to reproduce the bug that @Cracker1000 has? Does that bug affect you? Or are you just asking about it.
  • Cracker1000
    25th Mar 2019 Member 0 Permalink

    @jacob2 (View Post)

     Did you try that on windows? also the update error was from snapshot 167.