It would be great to have ARAY and CRAY with a 'no diagonal' mode. Maybe it could be incorporated into their tmp2 or something. It's usefulness is especially for making electronics more compact.
ARAY does not use tmp2, CRAY only use it for LIFE types
Could the large screen mode just be scaled according to the screen size rather than just doubling it's own size? Thanks.
it has to be a multiple of an integer of the original screen size, right now its 2, so each particle becomes 4 pixels in a square.
doing it any other way would give you a bunch of weird looking pixels because they wouldnt all have the same number of them.
When will the next update be? And it would really be nice to have a better non c++ tutorial.
What would we put in a non-c++ tutorial? There's a Lua tutorial, if that's what you're asking, but Powder Toy is written in c++.
I thought Boxmein made a Lua tutorial?
if surround_space==0 and nt==0 then
return 1 -- This kills the pixel.
return 0 -- This keeps it alive.