What I mean is: I don't use c++ for my scripting; Nope, I use Notepad ,and/or SciTE.
It is Lua, but like a computer, people (Like me) have weird ways of identifying things, like: (Dad: "This is a flash drive." Son: "No, that's a USB Drive."), (Grandpa: "This is an automobile." Grandson: "No, Its a car"), and (Southerner: "That's a soda." Northerner: "No, that's a bottle of pop.")
You see I'm not too educated when it comes to scripting, I know how to, but I'm not entirely familiar with all of the language, and when I look it up I find all the basic names of the functions and not the usage of them when related to the if's and the then's ect. ect. Another problem is this: When I scripted my own little text style mini-game I used a notepad, and saved it as a ".bat" file, I do know how to make a ".txt" into ".lua", ".vbs", and ".jpg", and that is what I work with; I don't script using a c++ program. That is what I mean when I say "Non c++ scripting"
I rediscovered something that you may or may not want to fix... bomb destroys DMND when it detonates. BOMB won't detonate on touching diamond but when it explodes it will still remove DMND... yeah I bet we're all too lazy to fix that.
Also undo is sometimes inaccurate with (I think) high particle counts, like when there's powerful gravity/pressure and there's lots of particles, like in an explosion
Lets say you got 1px of dust on some DMND. Then you drop some BOMB on it. BOMB will delete a circle, which also deletes the DMND.
Also what do you mean undo is weird? That it doesn't undo pressure/gravity correctly?
Sometimes it doesn't seem to reset pressure, 99% of the time it does. Yes it's in the offical.