if you save a stamp with life the life stops moving.
Good catch. This is already fixed, but I forgot to release a snapshot with the fix. Will do in a moment. This is a load-time issue, which means that any saves / stamps that you have will fix themselves upon loading, unless you've overwritten them with an incorrectly loaded version already.
I know this thread has been dead for two weeks, but why can I not enter some saves with no 96.0-specific elements created in 95.0, but I can enter some 96.0 saves without 96.0 content in 95.0?
This thread never dies :) Also, the way you worded it is very confusing to me; I'm assuming you're asking why certain snapshot saves decide to be 96-only, despite not having any of the new elements. If this is what you meant, this is because new elements aren't going to be the only addition in 96: GOL also got an upgrade, so using it will limit your save to 96 and above (and the more recent snapshots, which are technically 95 but behave like 96). There is a subset of GOL that you can create in 96 that would work in 95, but adding the logic to not limit the save to 96 and above if all the GOL you had in the save was this kind was not worth the effort, as these are just snapshots.