Suggest any mod elements

  • lorddeath
    28th Aug 2012 Member 1 Permalink

    I like the aerogel and all the particles spinon suggested.


    Nanobots. just visit my thread for the uses.


  • Jonathan3576
    29th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    What about add ash?, i mean when you burn wood or leaves it truns into fire, smoke and the burned leaves into ash, then if that ash is compressed with concrete or other heavy stone it turns into fossil and finally crude oil and natural gas.

    The crude oil when you heat it it turns into diesel, gasoline and gas, and the natural gas into prophane, hexane, gas and buthane.

    Also could you add ants and bees.


    Thanks for read and try to add it to the mod

  • boxmein
    29th Aug 2012 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    @Jonathan3576 (View Post)
    Point is, there is only one thing ash may be useful for, and you need 9 elements to use that.
  • jacob1
    29th Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    @boxmein (View Post)
    This is a mod element suggestion thread, so things like the amount of elements it adds don't really matter. It started off good though, until it started listing new elements without a use to them, only a product of a reaction. (I wouldn't really add any of these suggestions to my mod, I don't want to change the simulation code too much to keep it compatible, and I'm not going to add many new features to the c version of my mod)
  • jamd315
    30th Aug 2012 Member 0 Permalink

    ANFO, google it.

  • jacob1
    31st Aug 2012 Developer 0 Permalink
    I'm not sure why there's 2 of these, so i'll lock this one. (The mod never happened anyway) I thought this was the stickied thread earlier.
Locked by jacob1: post in the other suggestion thread (and your suggestions will probably be ignored)