Lady: I lost all of my contact... AGAIN! Me: Did you sync it with your computer? Lady: You can sync it with the computer? Me: Yes, just plug it into the computer with the cable that came with your iPhone. Lady: What cable? Me: *Looks around on desk, find it* This one. Now plug it into the USB Lady: Where is the USB?
[She had the iPhone for a few months, and never knew how to sync it]
Now we are getting whole schools that don't know how to make folders and turn computers on at the wall. I feel like there are many, many children left behind.
Now we are getting whole schools that don't know how to make folders and turn computers on at the wall. I feel like there are many, many children left behind.
yeah its quite funny how these people cant work things out eh?
you should see our school every week other schools come to use our computers because they have none and we have like 15 computer labs when they dont have any