Appearances can be deceiving. Why don't we ask him what he meant? I realize I'm walking on thin ice by kind of defending him, but I think all he needs is proof for this rant to end.
But seriously, do you not think that ideas have been tried before, and when found impossible or laggy or whatever, rejected? I myself don't understand how GOL works, but I do know how to use it to heat/cool things.
@dragonfree Reading his post, it seems like he knows this ideas have been tried before, but he wants to see exactly why it didn't work. He also has the impression that the target audience of this program is children. @rock If you can't understand the more complicated concepts, wait till you're older and try again. A simpler simulation is bad.
@Rock- You know, I actually agree with you. there is nothing like "useless" its just laziness or thinking about their own opinions :( . And as you said "And to everything marked useless, how do you know? How do you know that supposedly "useless" element would not be perfect for players?"- I agreed coz there are a lot of amazing users who can do soooo many cool stuff with anything just like for example animation. Lost week I thought it be impossible to make a powder toy animation. I haven't seen any more version and new elements. If I could code then I would, but I can't so I just wait, and every day I check if the is new version and... nothing. I check Discussions and as I see a good suggestion I read comments and then I see " that is useless *faceplam* " It just don't work like that and this is my opinion you guys might disagree. (Rock- +10)
@Rock- Once I get my mod compiled etc, you need to download it. 1) This has heater/cooler. 2) temperatures can be veeeeery high 3) no pressure limits 4) some simplifying elements Problem - solved. @Oskar271 facepalm* @Thimo Challenge accepted. (Moving Solids)
@boxmein you are a ''facepalm* '' :D lol im only joking. Its my opinion. btw I haven't read all comments, only up to 2nd page so I don't know what you guys are up to :)