You guys lied in your readme on the 47.3 beta. You said the python console was disabled for the beta. Now the release version is out, and it is STILL disabled. Press ~ and it is only using the REGULAR CONSOLE! I can tell because when I open the command console it says "python disabled". So where's that wonderful python powered console which is supposed to have so many more features (including the use of script handling with an UNLIMITED number of lines, which I intend to make FULL use of when available)? You promised it wouldn't be in beta, which means it's SUPPOSED TO be in the release version, but it is NOT! So where is it? My patience is running thin, now that I see lies have been being told to us TPT users!
Also, H2 and O2 are NOT making water, neither when merely mixed together, nor when burned together. When mixed they are just mixed. When burned together, they still give off smoke, not WATR. This sucks. I've seen better handling of O2+H2=WATR in MODDED versions of TPT. But the official version can't even get it right, evn though it's gone through beta and now is released so there should be NO BUGS!? WOW!
This says a lot about the official TPT team's noob programing skills, when compared to some of the elite programing skills exhibited by the TPT modders.
I see how H2+O2 works now. What I thought was smoke is actually WTRV (water vapor). Still does NOT excuse the dev team though for lying about the python console being active in the recent release version of TPT.
And about H2+O2, the flame of H2+O2 should be hotter than the O2 flame or the H2 flame separately. It should be metal melting hot. Like over 1000 decC at least.
Also a later addition should be fusion. By increasing the pressure and temperature enough, in a region containing H2, any 2 adjacent pixels containing H2 should merge (at random time intervals, much like PLUT does in fission) into 1 containing He (which in TPT would be the element NBLE), as well as release a tremendous amount of heat into anything in contact with the reacting H2 "atoms" when the reaction happened (all the way up to the maximum temperature) and tremendous pressure should also be released into the surrounding area (should probably increase the max possible pressure level to accomodate the pressure burst, and probably the max temp somewhat atleast somewhat to accomodate the heat burst). And the total pressure and temperature released should be greater than that of fission reactions (as fusion really IS more powerful than fission). Also the minimum pressure needed for fusion to start should be about 50, quite high in TPT units of pressure, as in real life a large ammount of pressure really DOES need to exist for fusion to start. Also a large number of hot photons should be released. This would also be a good time to introduce a new element, the electron (you might call it ELTR or ELEC). It would be released (just like the hot photons) when fusion happens. The electron would disapear on contact with conductive objects, and induce a charge (or SPRK as it's called in TPT) into whatever conductive object it is touching at that time including NBLE which would then turn into PLSM obviously (in a fusion reaction this release of both NBLE and ELEC would make for tons of PLSM, just like in real life). Any escaping ELEC not striking any of the star's NBLE would then go off until it did strike something, just like with the solar wind from fusion powered stars in real life. ELEC would bounce off of nonconductive objects, such as glass or wood. Of course the ELEC released from a fusion reaction would be hot electrons, so they could burn or melt anything with a melting/burning point below the temperature of the ELEC of course.
I see how H2+O2 works now. What I thought was smoke is actually WTRV (water vapor). Still does NOT excuse the dev team though for lying about the python console being active in the recent release version of TPT.
How do you know you aren't looking at a Python Console? -.-
Python being disabled is by Simon, not anyone else. You can compile it yourself and get it. I asked him to put up a python version beside the non-python one, but he has not. It's not enabled by default because it would require python, which is far bigger than tpt, so size was the main issue
O2 no longer appears to increase fire temperature. I liked the temperature aspect(it seemed quite realistic, it was probably my favourite part of the beta), however the life increase was overkill... I believe it should have been stopped at 300, and then at that point it would drop normally, unaffected by oxygen. Also, I believe H2 should generate pressure when ignited, simulating it's rapid burn speed in real life. However, I do like the singularity explosion effect, I really do enjoy that, kudos on that. Also, the performance improvements are really visible, congratulations on that! I love the speed boost Powder Toy has gained from it. Finally, the spectrum above the PHOT for photons is really helpful and interesting, thanks to everyone who contributed to the new version.
EDIT: @roguegeneral--, it's an interpreted programming language. It can be used to extend the functionality of C, and it has greater string parsing tools, making it very helpful.
@cracker64(View Post) In other words, I'd need to have Python installed on my computer to make it run? I thought the Python console ran by having the needed Python run-time files included in the ZIP file with the latest version of TPT (or even included as resources in TPT exe file itself).
Also, by the way, in the latest version of TPT, does even the normal console now handle scripts with unlimited lines of commands? Or is it limited to 80 lines on all but the the actual Python console.
I Agree with videogamer555, Where is this python console? Why did you dev's NOT expect for the python console to be to large? And Why is it still being promised? It makes no sense for you to have even told us about it if you yourselves didnt know what you were getting into. Now oxygen is broken, and I cant have scripts in TPT.