I found a bug by accident...
@Lord_Bowserinator (View Post)
DMND can be destroyed using DRAY or fusion. Here is a demonstration of DRAY eating DMND:
lots of saves would be broken if PSTN could not move DMND
PSTN needs to move diamond, so it can push conv. Without it, the conv would eat the piston extension.
Here's a list of bugs/glitches that I've found:
- Stamps are always shown with fancy display and deco.
- Some of the menu icons aren't the right color. (EXOT and GRAV)
- I'm not able to save my bio.
- Sometimes the last page of saves (when you're searching) is empty
- Some element names don't fit on the icons (not really a bug, but looks bad)
- When ETRD is activated, all particles of CLNE, BCLN, PCLN, and PBCN will have their ctype set to PLSM if they are inside the beam.
I've used TPT for ages now, and I would love a way to change the intensity at which the particles are moved by the air. All particles just ride on the wave now as if they weigh nothing at all. Especially fire. Explosions would look better if they didn't reach all edges of the screen.
I honestly don't know where to ask this but...
I'm just wondering, back then when you would fired any kind of powdered element using FRAY, it would "travel" through liquids (except MERC) and generate a crapload of pressure that's enough to break GLAS and in some cases strong enough to shatter BRCK into STNE.
Was that a intended feature or bug?
I am experiencing an issue where I cannot resave my Front Page save. I am trying to add updates to id:1814041 and id:1815461
I Keep getting an ERROR message box it litterally just says ERROR with the usual Dismiss option.
I have tried logging off and on several times. It is not a problem for my other saves. just the ones on front page right now.