Right. forgot the deco command. I picked it for Box. its not that important I usually do what you just said. thought it would be a comfy tool that is similar to other drawing apps.
Is it possible to make red/blue shift FILT consider the ctype too? 0x01 would be 1 shift, 0x02 = 2, 0x03 = 3, etc. This would allow us to use "mixed" technologies (semiconductors + FILT), because the current way FILT works requires heat simulation to be turned off, otherwise it will heat up and break the whole simulation. I was going to ask about add/subtract functions in FILT, but that would be cheating...
Nope, FILT with tmp 4 and 5 (red/blue shift) ignores the ctype, you can take a look at the code.
Just change the code to something like this:
case 4:
if (filtWl>29) filtWl = 29;
return (origWl << filtWl) & mask; // red shift
case 5:
if (filtWl>29) filtWl = 29;
return (origWl >> filtWl) & mask; // blue shift
...but keep the old method too when ctype = 0 (or ctype = 0 or greater than 29), to avoid breaking older saves...
If you search for a word with "very" in it, it will not find any results.
(for example, searching the words "very" or "every" shows 0 results)
This is the weirdest bug ever.
(This only happens in the actual game)
It also affects other words, like CRMC, and probably many more
I noticed that a few other element menu icons are slightly different from the real color of the element:
WIFI, (FIRE, but don't change it), LAVA, ACID, GEL, BIZR/s/G, GLOW, FILT, and DEUT
TPT crashed. I have no idea why. It just randomly crashed when I tried to open a save (my 4 direction PSTN mover).
It happened again. This time with "Potato-Class ship"
It keeps happening...
EDIT5: this post is almost a month old
EDIT6: My STKM/2 torch broke for some reason:
No one reads this....
EDIT8: You still can't edit your bio in the game.
i have found a big bug id:1887609 put tmp temp and life to 1000000000 and like that game crash
Generally setting any properties to over 65535 is a bad idea. For life (and possibly others) that is the maximum value that can be saved and any higher can cause strange things to happen (cold-explosing deut, crashes, etc.)
I like to break things sometimes, so I often find fun in setting properties to extreme values. In the process, I often run into things like this:
The issue here is that the pipe connects to stor with an invalid tmp, and then things get a little crashed.
oh ok