@m16piggy You are absolutely welcome to join, as well as anyone else who is not a troll. Consider your membership qualifications to be only that you do not irritate others.
@indicator34 You are added! But in order for me to remove the (pending) from your name in the talent section, I need proof of your qualifications in that talent area. Just gimme a link that you think is noteworthy and I will add you to the spot.
@cctvdude99 I am sorry I missed you. I have been gone. Oh and I like the acronym BoS because IT IS BOSS! ;-P
@TheRazorsEdge I invited him, and made him head admin as he has expierence in that area. (His role is no better than an organizer is, other than that he has the role of organizing the organizers in my absence.)
@Racer-Delux That is awesome beyond awesome! I believe you are pioneering that for powdertoy. Quite a vitrual accomplishment. Very nice! I will check it out and the speed later.
@sparkjet This is a problem that had been occuring often. You will not recieve, hopefully, any ridicule or down votes for this. We simply try to avoid creations, and are adjusting the "Name and Shame" list to fit the forum rules so that they simply inform members of saves made by owners not in the group. The name and shame list will be serve only as a "you may vote as you wish" not a "VOTE DOWN NOW!!!" indication for that save.
@TheTempest Absolutely! Please be reminded not to "Spam" other's creations with your logo contest. I love the idea of it though! Not to say it is bad! But it would be better to do that here, or in another thread in the forum. The only reason I mention it is because I don't want it to happen to one of our members and have a dispute arise. Thanks man, and welcome to the team!
@garretemo I do believe that having one single thread will cause for conversations about saves and conversations about general things to co-mingle, which can make it inneffective for users to specifically find something. I've had the problem myself, but I don't think that is the solution. Though I don't have any current alternative ideas, I'd prefer not to do that just yet.
@sparkjet Did you care to join? We'd love it if you did!
@Everyone I missed. Please repost your question/comment and I will answer it. I only briefly looked through the pages.