Calculate the number of rows that are before the row that you need "to jump" to.
• JMP instruction used: JMP COL, ROW. (COLUMNS ARE VERY STRANGE!!! FIRST COLUMN IS 0x7, NEXT ARE 0x1, 0x2 etc.
• One instruction takes (usually) 1 row.
• DCO instruction takes ceil(CHARS/4)rows. Help with ceil().
DB 1, 1 ; 1 row
DB 2, 123 ; 1 row
LD 1, EAX ; 1 row
LD 2, EBX ; 1 row
XOR EAX, EBX ; 1 row
DIR EAX ; 1 row
DCO "@GOGn" ; ceil(4/4) = 1, so 1 row
DCO "@GOOGLEn" ; ceil(7/4) = 2, so 2 rows !!!!!!!!!
JMP 0x7, 0xf ; 0xf is 15 1 row
DCO "@WON'T OUTUTTEDn" ; ceil(15/4) = 4, so 4 rows !!!!!!!!!
DCO "@JUMPED" ; 14 rows are before me, i'm 15th so JMP 0x7, 0x1 will jump to me
Where do I put the .sc file?
I will look into the script and modifying it if needed then posting it here when I have time.
I have posted the script in my repo but it still may have some issues I will be working on this...
It's still showing the same issue