@Lord_Bowserinator (View Post)
gygbyygbg bruh im 13.........
BUG: memory read/write error
so i was messing around with jcb1's and i was making a prop tool where i changed the x to 9999999 or smth cant rember the exact nubmer and when i used it on a jcb1 it gave this error messeage
it told me to report it so i did
not sure if you already know about this bug
how do i download this
Please update it to V96.2
Update to v96.2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You must update it to 96.2 to avoid random disconnect error
amazing it is. My favorite thing, is probably the moving solid. i searched so long for a moving solid mod! creator, can you add wheels, or at least slippery material? i'm trying to make a car, using moving solids