@tian110796 errr albert einstein was like 130 i doubt that :) @dnerd lol Wtf booooommmmm!!!!!!! the smartest man in history albert einstein was only 130 and @anonymous_joe we all know thats a lie about everyone here is lying >_> and @dragonfree97 thats a lie too can a mod just lock this thread please >_> if you so called geniuses are geniuses you will know this (a + b) × c = a × c + b × c and c × (a + b) = c × a + c × b, and ×
Guys, Albert Einstein was not the smartest man in history, my IQ has been tested by a qualified psychologist and found to be 153 and thus I am not lying about my IQ
@Hackerman -.- ( this is disapointing ) Ok then if you are a such a genius then solve this math problem. (a + b) × c = a × c + b × c and c × (a + b) = c × a + c × b, and × Dude the one thing people should know on the fourms is that i am a super lie detector i have lied over a billion times in my life time i can tell when someone is lying.You dont go too a psychologist too test your iQ nice try. >_< and i can also tell your lying bye the way you said that text. ._. Hi I am a genius (IQ really 153/very superior intelligence) grammar fail on your profile if you fix it its still here.If you were that smart your head would have too be the size of a coffee table which would kill you.
Shows what you know, go to the MENSA website and you will see that only MENSA IQ tests and ones tested by psychologists count to join. Also you cannot solve the problem because it has no numbers in it only algebra. Shows what you know.
@Hackerman Well what you just said was a fail algebra is solvble like for example b+b=4 and you can quit asking your mom how too spell while typing. -.-
No, algebra is not like that, it can be a lot harder, which shows what you know about it. Your question has no numbers in it, therefore it is not solvable. Also I do not ask my mum for spellings, I have a large vocabulary and know how to spell all the words I use. Therefore please stop flaming me and accept that I am clever. You cannot call me stupid if you do not know that to solve an algebraic question you must have a number in somewhere, with no numbers all you can do is simplify. Oh and a YouTube page does not count as a site. It is merely your YouTube accoun
@Hackerman I know it can be a lot harder... and it is solveble look what i just did i solved it and its mom and account -.- and i only put that down as my website because i like it.A genius would not have the name Hackerman if you were smarter you could of thought of something better. b=2 a=1 and so on and i have seen algebra problems with no numbers that problem i gave you was off of phoenix airzona university school website. if you are so smart what is your name in real life because if your the smartest person in the world it had too be on the news and must be on the internet if you dont give me it it proves evan farther your not a genius.Your only 12 you lie alot all 12 year olds do.
shroom u need to do research for einsteins iq was in the 160s and the highest iq ever was in the 210s and that wasn't my actually iq my actually iq is 143 and shroom (a + b) × c = a × c + b × c is not solveble for to solve for a variable u do need at least 8 numbers but (a + b)c does = ac + bc