You people are kinda pathetic you cant tell me straight too the face about a lie i have lied over 100'000'000 i can see a lie mile away.Any ways most iQ sites are incorrect and they mess up and @davasta evan if your a mod and calling me a idiot most people who got told that would freak out and cry because your a mod well i dont it dosent bother me my whole life no one has ever bothered me bye calling me names and dont blame me about the algebra thing blame my ******* school thats what the teachers told me.@Snowfire777 and you cuss way too much you sound like a nautsie or something >_> no you **** off ***** your aunt is bad then.
@snowfire777 ... >_> still **** your aunt i dont care because she has no idea where i live or anything and if you are a genius you would not do drugs wtf that is a easy catch how do you stupid ******* people miss that honestly.