Maybe that was the problem. I ended up downloading the HTML of the page that had the download link for the file. I'll try to redownload all the files now using what you said. Ok I finally figured out how to get it to download the full zip pack.
So now I have all the files and it seems to work.
Check that. Loading any save made by normal TPT still fails miserably. I mean temperatures are either ultra high or ultra low, things freeze or burn the moment I unpause any simulation that has things that are effected by heat or cold. Also life is set at maxium for all particles in a loaded save.
This also effects saves/stamps made in this very version (ones made in this modded version, not just ones made in the normal version when loading them into your mod), so when I make a block of DEUT and save a stamp, then load the stamp back in, it is at max life (meaning it is glowing, will go nuke from contact with a single neutron). This by the way is in your latest beta (I haven't tried your latest non-beta yet, so it may just be a bug that started in the beta version, but I don't know).
@me4502(View Post) Nope, loaded saves still self destruct. Copy water ctrl+c then paste with ctrl+v, also loading and saving stamps and save file, all have weird temperatures. I loaded your latest beta and this wasn't fixed. I just copied some water and pasted it and the pasted copy froze into ice.
On another note: So where's the instruction manual for your LUA console mod? How do I make/edit elements? Please help me here.
For the following, 1 in the ()'s is on 0 is off tpt.hud() tpt.newtonian_gravity() tpt.ambient_heat() tpt.decorations_enable()
For the following the number of the value you want goes into the ()'s tpt.active_menu() tpt.display_mode()
Now would you please post some sample code on how to set element's "explosive" "name" etc properties?
Also will this effect all new placements of that element (in effect editing the Mod.exe file itself to give elements new properties, just as if I had edited the source and recompiled, only here it's editing the already assembled code directly in the exe file) or will it ONLY edit already onscreen placements of those elements?
@Videogamer555 it will only edit the elements you tell it to that are already placed, i will be making globals soon, i will not post an example until its out of beta