58.0 broke it AGAIN.
Please elaborate. Which feature are you talking about exactly?
The dissapearing elements, And BearfoosA!.ml is back. HUD renders them as there, FILT, PRTI/O are the only ones that keep their color. The rest are pitch black. The cause is something cross-mod, the dissapearance is crossmod. I have to use vanilla for actual gameplay. Maybe delete it next version? It's the only thing triggering my PC, and was the* ALUM problem fixed? If so, please tell me what it was that caused it. And it is not deco
What's this cross-mod thing? Is it a lua script or some sort of 3rd party application that you use?
Can you link a private save which can help me reproduce the issue?
Also, windows defender gets triggered whenever there's a new release or update preety normal at this point.
I am also not aware of ALUM issue. What's that?
I think you need to do that everytime since it thinks of it as a new executable everytime you update. Better add the entire folder to list of exception so that you can save yourself from that hassle.
The ALUM issue is where in TPTMP is when there is people in the server and you draw with ALUM, your game crashes either due to bad allocation or memory fault. edit: The fire display thing worked! :D I think Bearfoos attaches itself to the mod after a few days.
Oh, Yeah I remember. I tried reproducing the same issue in an active lobby but it never crashed for me. I will look into it later.