This isn't a virus, Microsoft false reads mods, and The Powder Toy itself. Microsoft has been false reading TPT since I was 2014, this is nothing new.
If you look back, I linked it once, however everybody ignored that lol.
The element editor crashes my game whenever i try to create a new element. it also says No/Invalid element entered when i enter in the name [eg. STNE] of a clearly valid element. I dont know if it is a problem for alot of people or if theres something im doing wrong or im forgetting when making an element.
Someone else also reported the same issue. I will look into it.
I wanted to release a minor update with some other fixes but I don't think it will be possible before next month.
Thanks for reporting.
I redownloaded the mod, My computer auto-removed it.
can you add a Industructable stickman? or automatic fireworks, once placed they will immediatly fly up and explode.
You can write a simple script to make sktm indestructible or set its .life property to some high numbers.
There's a MISL element that's somewhat similar to your suggestion. Check it out.
how do i even do that :( i dont even know anything about coding