Diissaster: Candunc and i have agreed that the EL idea is good, but we need your ok to put in to action:
Every person could have a education rating: 1- High School Diploma 2- Associate's Degree 3- Bachelor's 4- Master's 5- Doctorate 6- Medical Degree
There could be a company lvl also based on how educated the owner is...
The prices for education could slowly rise:
1- 40 2- 80 3- 120 4- 200 5- 360 6- 680
So to be a doctor, it would be 1480.
The EL could be used for a company rating, user market rating, how many employees you can have, how much money you can borrow from the bank (if we ok the bank idea), ect.
If u forgot the bank idea:
People could put a certain amount of money into it with a growth rate of 1 to 5% a day, depending on how long it is in there (to keep from having people cheat the bank). People can also get loans to buy things but have to pay back 110% within a week or so back to the bank. If you like my EL idea, then the higher an EL is, the more money you can put in the bank at a time and the more money you can borrow. The bank wouldn't be a company, but more of a non-owned bank, called the Official Bank of the Unofficial Market, and i could run it (not own it-it would be owned by the market).
Diissaster: Candunc and i have agreed that the EL idea is good, but we need your ok to put in to action:
I agreed with the idea, and doctors (Medical Company) can heal injury. Injuries adds +100 credits to your account, but you can not buy / sell until a doctor heals you.
I'm quite new to TPT, and I've been looking through the forums, I saw this and thought it was good. So I'd like to join, please. ... PLEASE! PRETTY PLEASE!