Cracker1000's Mod

  • Greiscale
    3rd August Member 0 Permalink

    am having same problem as @SomeRandomUser1234, no error appears for me, it just dosen't toggle. also in the control menu, what do the dev codes do?

  • Cracker1000
    3rd August Member 0 Permalink

    @Greiscale (View Post)

     Did you try using soft reset option?

    The dev option is for development purpose, not for end users. It gives you access to controls which can disable internal scripts and some other useful options.


    Let me know if the reset option fixes it.

  • Greiscale
    10th August Member 0 Permalink

    okay i will try

    edit: it worked thank you

    Edited once by Greiscale. Last: 10th August