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Puder und Partikel können sich bewegen und sind der Schwerkraft ausgesetzt.

DUST Dust (Staub)

Farbe: hellbeige

Temperatur: 22.00

Leichte Partikel. Brennbar, allerdings ist das Feuer nicht lang anhaltend und nicht einfach zu löschen. Verwandelt sich zu FWRK (Feuerwerk), wenn es mit NEUT (Neutronen) beschossen wird.

STNE Stone (Stein)

Farbe: Grau

Temperatur: 22.00

Schweres Puder. Schmilzt ab 710° C zu LAVA.

SNOW Snow (Schnee)

Farbe: sehr helles Blau

Temperatur: -20.00

Entsteht, wenn ICE (Eis) durch zu hohen oder niedrigen Druck zerbricht. Schmilzt bei 0° C zu WATR (Wasser).

CNCT Concrete (hartes Gestein)

Farbe: Grau

Temperatur: 22.00

Schweres Puder. Schwerer als normales Stein und besitzt einen höheren Schmelzpunkt als dieser. Es schmilzt ab 850° C. Außerdem kann es sich auf alles, was einen festen Aggregatzustand hat absetzen, auch wenn andere Partikel runterfallen würden.

SALT Salt (Salz)

Farbe: Weiß

Temperatur: 22.00

Schmilzt bei hoher Temperatur. Es ist löslich in Wasser und bildet mit diesem Salzwasser. Es schmilzt bei 900° C. Außerdem lässt es Eisen rosten.

BRMT Broken Metal (Zerbrochenes Metall)

Farbe: Rostrot

Temperatur: 22.00

Zerbrochenes Metall, verhält sich in Puderform wie Rost (und ist es auch). Es kann Strom leiten. Wenn es verflüssigt wird und danach langsam abgekühlt wird, wird es zu zerbrechlichem Metall. Es entsteht während dem Rosten von Eisen oder zerbrechlichem Metall oder durch Druck an zerbrechlichem Metall.

Brennende Termiten bilden ebenfalls geschmolzenes zerbrechliches Metall. Es bildet sich zu Termiten, wenn es bei über 250° C mit zerbrochenen Elektronikteilen kombiniert wird.


Farbe: Beige/Sandfarben

Schweres Puder. Schmilzt zu Glas bei 1.750° C.

BGLA Broken Glass (zerbrochenes Glas)

Color: grey

Temp: 22.00

Broken glass. Can be melted and cooled down again to form regular GLAS.

It is the product of pressure being applied to GLAS and heating LCRY.

Also, it reflects photons unlike solid GLAS which lets them pass through it.

YEST Yeast

Color: cream

Temp: 22.00

Yeast, grows when warm (around 40°C+). Turns into DYST when exposed to Neutrons or heated a lot (about 120°C+). Turns to DUST at about 600°C. Note that DYST at any temperature turns YEST into DYST in a cascading effect.

FSEP Fuse powder (Anzündpuder)

Color: light green

Temp: 22.00

Burns slowly, ignites at high temperatures, when touching plasma, or with electricity. Fuse burns at high temperatures (over 3000°C). Unlike other flammable materials, it will burn with plasma, not fire, just like solid FUSE.

BCOL Broken Coal (zerbrochene Kohle)

Color: black

Temp: 22.00

Heavy particles, burns slowly. Turns gray while burning, like charcoal.

FRZZ Freeze (Schockeis)

Color: light blue

Temp: -183.15

Light Particles, cold (-183°C), instantly freezes water. Turns WATR into FRZW when in contact, FRZW also turns other water particles into FRZW, creating a cascading effect.

GRAV Gravity (Anti-Gravitationspuder)

Color: Black

Temp: 22.00

Very light dust, ignores gravity. Changes color based on velocity. Burns when exposed to fire. Can be pushed around with very little air velocity (less than 0.01 pressure difference).

ANAR Anti-Air Particle (Antiluftpuder)

Color: white

Temp: 22.00

Very light dust. Follows opposite gravity and pressure/velocity. Also burns when exposed to sub-zero flame.

PQRT Broken Quartz (zerbrochenes Quarz)

Color: light blue (textured effect)

Temp: 22.00

Broken quartz, melts at 2300°C.

Like clay dust, the color depends on the TMP value

BREL Broken Electronics (zerbrochene Elektronikteile)

Color: greenish-grey

Temp: 22.00

Broken electronics, results from using EMP on electronics. Cannot be melted and cooled back into the un-broken form. Conducts electricity. When combined with BRMT at above 240°C reacts into THRM. When constantly sparked at above 10 pressure, it will heat up. When constantly sparked at above 30 pressure and over 9000°C, it will turn into EXOT.

CLST Clay Dust (Tonstaub)

Color: light red (textured effect)

Temp: 22.00

Produces PSTE when in contact with water. CLST particles are naturally 'sticky' and tend to cling to each other, when cold. Particles literally freeze at about -70°C (I.E. turn to a pseudo-solid state). Stacks on top of itself like concrete. CLST will make TNT when mixed with NITR.

The texture effect comes from the fact that the color of a CLST particle is based on its TMP value, which is random.

EQVE Equal Velocity

Color: beige

Temp: 22.00

Formerly an experiment with shared velocity powders, this powder now acts as a sort of invincible dust. Can only be created through the console or using the element picker. This powder has a colour similar to that of DUST.

MORT Mortvert

Color: very light grey

Temp: -8.00 (but rapidly heats up due to the steam released).

Named after the Powder Toy user Mortvert. Releases smoke and flows down the screen slowly like some sort of gel/powder combination. Can only be created through the console or with element search. Can only be destroyed by bomb or antimatter.