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OIL.png Oil
Section Liquids
Spawn temperature 22°C
Heat Conductivity 16.8%
Relative weight 20
Gravity 0.1
Acid dissolve rate 0.5%
Flammability 20
State Liquid
High temperature GAS.png above 59.85°C
Misc properties
Allows neutrons to pass through
Source code

Spawn temp: +22.00 C / 295.15 K

Flammable liquid. With low pressure/heat, turns into GAS. GAS can turn into OIL at certain conditons.

OIL turns into GAS, at a temp (temperature) T ≥ [+59.86 + 2P] C \ T ≥ [333.01 + 2P] K, at a pressure P ≤ +5.49.

OIL turns into OIL with added pressure at T ≥ [59.86 + 2P] C \ T ≥ [333.01 + 2P] K, at P ≥ +5.50. The added pressure is +0.50 for every whole degree the temp is above [59.86 + 2P] C \ [333.01 + 2P] K. For example, if the temp is 4 C / 4 K above [59.86 + 2P], then the added pressure is 4(+0.50) = +2.00.

OIL turns into OIL with maximal added pressure of +256.00, at P ≥ +5.50 and T ≥ +571.86 C \ T ≥ 845.01 K.

Oil can be formed with neutrons and Nitroglycerin in contact with each other.

Language: [[::Element:OIL|English]]