How to post pictures and tables in discussions

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Introduction </h2> HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the language used by every web page across the world. (added with some server-side and/or client-side scripts, XML and/or CSS) The Powder Toy forum has got some tags being skipped by the post formatter and some usage of these tags is described below. <h1> Tables </h2> Here are few tags: This is for starting a table. (border="1" makes the table have a border, optional; cellpadding is the amount of room left in the cell surrounding the text, optional) To start a new row in the table. (rowspan and colspan make the row and column span of the table header bigger or smaller, practically allowing you to make headers for two rows or columns at once, both optional but can't be combined)
- Creates a table header. Add it inside a table row to create a horizontal header, or into the table to make it vertical.
To start a new cell in the table.

Here is an example of a table. I will explain it to you.

(starts the table) (starts a new row) (ends the cell) (ends the cell) (ends the row) Now we do it for as many times as we want, let's just do it twice. After we have finnished it we have to end the table with this tag:
(starts a new cell in the row)
cell 1(the text that is in the cell)   
(starts a new cell)

cell 2(text that is in the cell)

second row, first cell

second row, second cell

(ends the table).

And there we go, a table.

Pictures </h2> To add pictures into a post, you use the <img> tag.\\ <img src="(the url of the picture here)" alt="(what it says when the image can't be imported)" title="Image mouse-over text"> \\ To make sure that you have the right URL for the picture that you want, right click on it and click on the open image in new tab button and copy the URL of that picture. \\ <h1> Some HTML snippets </h2> \\ <acronym title="Tooltip text"> Normal Text </acronym> - Makes special text that when you point your cursor onto it, displays "Tooltip text" \\ \\ To add some special characters into the text area(for example to not add a space when writing HTML tags for others):\\ < - Creates a "less than" character, or "<"\\ > - Creates a "greater than" character, or ">"\\ © - Creates a copyright icon, or "(C)"\\ &#(ASCII); - Creates the character indicated by the ASCII character code. Example: {\\ &#153; - Creates a trademark icon, or "(TM)"\\ nbsp; - Creates a no-breaking space.(makes text alignment not get lost if a space is stacked, for example in formatted code, when replacing spaces with NBSP-s)\\ For more &# codes, go to [[1]] and pay notice to the "HTML Number" column.\\ Example of usage:\\ \\ "If you want to use bold text in your post, try adding <b> before the text and </b> after it"\\ \\ \\ Text - Allows for some CSS addition to the desired span. Text - Makes text bold. Ex. Text \\ Text - Makes text italic. Ex. Text \\ Text - Makes text underlined Ex. Text \\ Text - Makes text striked through. Ex. Text \\ (Combinable) \\ Example:"This text is bold and italic!"\\ <h1> For More Help With HTML </h2> For more help with HTML go to this website: [[2]]