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Inside TPT You can find a long list of constructive solutions typeof "data storage" in order to allow signals to be reserved into other forms only. Instead of storage, - memory(RAM) - it is blockchains of vectorized, managed memory based on transitive P-N logic(math and energy) usable by ALU.
The details of organization on real memory modules s. a. DDR is not actual inside this context. To make primitive ALU Needed ~2x binary 8bit blocks of temporary memory and one for executor cache.
- BlockChain
- Block
- Ceil
- Item - volume
- Origin - communicator
- Com - component of value
- Item - volume
- Ceil
- Block
For ceil, block and blockchain(common):
- Add(1)&sub(0)
- OPeration
- Add(1)&sub(0)
- LS
- listof channels eq. Length of ceils
- Logic bits(sCOM) (MOP & OP 1/0) - sparked when out ouf range
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Introduction to Digit
Numbers - chars, - presentation.
- Original (Natural series, - on fingers)
Two states(1 bit) of origin - access to next ceil will be opened by each charged orig. - Serial communication. Example: PSTN with conductive usage (PSCN ADD & NSCN SUB, with -1 & ++ contacts for COM).
- Cryptographic
- Positional - access to next ceil will be opened by each charge seria
- binary - Dual volume seria
- octa
- decimal
- hexadecimal