um how did you finde my user id number?
mine is 38642. You are older than me! I joined last september (or maybe august?). if that helps at all. I played a while before then though.
Your user number is 25540. I dont know otherwise. That number probably says about 2-2.5 years.
ok ty man. one more thing, how can i tell how old my acount is?
someday... on irc I got a good suggestion about how to add it back, they will be in the tools menu, there will be one replace mode button and one specific delete button. Then there will be 'from' and 'to' (I think specific delete only would use from?). This would make it much easier, I don't even use those features, too comfusing.
ok i see btw mod@jacob1 when will the replace tool be back?
ok, a few things. Powder game is unrelated to the powder toy, it wasn't an older version of it. Wheel was suggested on the forums though. Also, you are very lucky you didn't get flamed yet, because you just suggested moving solids. Those are impossible due to how tpt is coded, it just doesn't work.