58 / 13
17th Nov 2012
6th Dec 2012
sry the other failed please comment grav radial
realistic nice1 youtried planet cute ptuniversewashir earth space


  • attackjax
    27th Jan 2013
    and everything is in space :O
  • attackjax
    27th Jan 2013
    !set gpmp -555555
  • kajemakeha
    3rd Jan 2013
    Set the temperature of the lava in the console to almost ten thousand degrees and turn ambient heat on to see some massive global warming. :D
  • natter7869
    30th Nov 2012
    ok i am going to replace these with my new logo please unreport my saves without your dragons thx
  • therocketeer
    23rd Nov 2012
    good for you, now move on, and accept that your work is appreciated by others; so much so, that they actually use it in their saves.
  • epicksl
    23rd Nov 2012
    Those dragons are copied. I made those logos for playstationfreak a very long time ago. this save has been reported.
  • keever10
    23rd Nov 2012
    omg a admin is spamming words lolz XD
  • jacob1
    23rd Nov 2012
    TheBombMake94: do you really not trust me or something? I promise that that's not how it happens. Right now, there are no moderator featured saves. People seem to like FeynmanTechnologies or something, and upvote his saves. I actually just checked, that save was demoted (removed) from the front page by a moderator. Another possible reason you think that is maybe only a few people are making good things? I think the first is more likely though.
  • TheBombMaker94
    23rd Nov 2012
    Jacob1: Impossible. I always see FeynmanTechnologies, even with a rubbish laser called "Shoop-da-woop", the least detailed save ever. Stop always putting the same names on FP and give a chance to other people!
  • jacob1
    23rd Nov 2012
    yeah, we never decide the front page. We remove things occasionally, and pin things to the very first slot sometimes, but that's it