You only need a 9-segment display to display all the letters/numbers, and a 14 or 16 segment display to display symbols/make them look better. Or you could just have a 5x5 pixel display, and still only use 25 "segments"
two of the lcry lins never get used.
hey hey hey hey!!!!!!!!!!
@tptpro That's right, I have to make it look symmetrical.
@tptpro probably diplay symatry
why did you make 4 segments unused, yclee126, or just for looks of a huge display symetry?
@TheMan2000 yeah it happened to me as well
Actually, FOUR segments weren't used. use overlap mode and press every key.
@tothemyers, actually, it is not in any way better. The old display can display the same things, (other than some symbols) and its much eaiser to read. Calculators only need numbers, so since the old display is much eaiser to read, its the same as the display in a digital watch, we use it for things that display numbers.