the lethal directed radio frequency weapon uses high energy microwave energy to incapacitate and kill those who it is aimed at. it causes instant and severe burning at the operating frequency, and has the same effect on human tissue as food in amicrowave
who cares about LDRFW when you could just use a flamethrower to burn that human
So it accelerates super hot phot at a person? And I'm assuming phot in TPT is light. So does this mean you accelerated light speed?
this is brutal! +1!
I feed my buddy but he exploded as soon as the food got into the stomach
id:2647714 my microwave can heat from 22 degrees to ~900 degrees in around 2 seconds. can also instantly prime vibranium.
putting glow,glass,flit makes the phot visible
this uses the same energy you use to cook leftovers
it just acelerated PHOTs to hell
If you slap some FILT on the path of the deadly rays you can see how it works, pretty nifty stuff
The sun's radiation (visible light, infrared, etc) at surface level is about 0.1W per sq. cm. The FCC will strangle ANYONE (in court) who exposes the public to over 0.005W per sq. cm of RF. Cell towers have the RF hazard signs for a reason: to prevent people from getting close enough to get over 5mW/cm2 and to deflect liability if they do. Radio amateurs have lost their liscenses for this kind of thing. Please cut the shirt and stop the conspiracy theories.