100 / 10
12th Dec 2012
18th Feb 2016
the lethal directed radio frequency weapon uses high energy microwave energy to incapacitate and kill those who it is aimed at. it causes instant and severe burning at the operating frequency, and has the same effect on human tissue as food in amicrowave
microwave nuclear weapon transmitter lethal energy radio fray human


  • phoenixsilverbird
    15th Dec 2012
    Seriously? Some people think they cook by heat? Well they are right and wrong, because the food is hot inside. But the microwave doesn't make the heat, it makes the heat come in the food (if it has water) due to particle resonation and friction.
  • footballer120
    15th Dec 2012
    So essentially you've created a microwave emitting weapon. Call me if you get the Geneva convention to even consider passing it. Don't get me wrong, the concept is brilliant, however most nations would not agree to usage of such wepaons unless they were non-lethal. Also see if you can make it compact, sort've like a rifle
  • astro-nomical
    15th Dec 2012
    but the common misconception is that microwaves cook via heat. so if someone smashes the borosilicate acrylic on the front, ur exposed to half a kilavolt of microwave energy.
  • astro-nomical
    15th Dec 2012
    indeed. lol. common sense lol.
  • phoenixsilverbird
    15th Dec 2012
    You don't even need to know the science. What a microwave does to food should tell you that you shouldn't put your hand in there...
  • astro-nomical
    14th Dec 2012
    and dylan, yep. microwave radiation causes water molecules in things like food, people, to resonate. the molecular resonation causes friction, which creates heat. so, ya. don't stick ur hand in a microwave.
  • astro-nomical
    14th Dec 2012
    ya!!!!!!! and dogdude1284 go ahead. and phoenixs, i know it would be cool. the higher the frequency the more damaging it is. gamma rays should be emmited by plut and uran.
  • phoenixsilverbird
    14th Dec 2012
    Thanks for telling me, I am a bit of a newbie. I really think we should have an electromagnetic wave function, that has options to change the frequency so we can have radio, microwave, x-ray, and gamma rays!
  • dogdude1284
    14th Dec 2012
    can i incorperate this idea into a laser
  • DylanOgle2
    14th Dec 2012
    Damn never knew it did that much damage to a human being...i know its lethal but, damn...*sees little brother sticking hand inside microwave* O_O!!!!!