100 / 10
12th Dec 2012
18th Feb 2016
the lethal directed radio frequency weapon uses high energy microwave energy to incapacitate and kill those who it is aimed at. it causes instant and severe burning at the operating frequency, and has the same effect on human tissue as food in amicrowave
microwave nuclear weapon transmitter lethal energy radio fray human


  • thepowderdustflame
    12th Dec 2012
    this is awesome 1+
  • cyberdragon442
    12th Dec 2012
    Not all radio waves cause cancer. They have to be in a certain frequency range to damage DNA. If it's in that's not a nonlethal weapon.
  • astro-nomical
    12th Dec 2012
    sgt rizzo lol. but actually there is some controversy involved with ADS. the 65Ghz waves can cause severe burning of the epidermis even at low exposures. as all of the energy is absorbed in one place not all over. the 25Khz is far more penetrative, but all the energy is absorbed by layers beyond the epidermis. equaling out the dose. three Iraqie soldiers were killed as a result of overexposure, as his skin was burned to blackness and he was killed by shock. i wouldn't want one of them pointing at me. and plus, apparently exposure to both opperators and ennemy is being researched as it is bellived to be carcinagenic (cancer causing)
  • cyberdragon442
    12th Dec 2012
    Um...the person blew up and burned the machine. It still worked afterwards. 0_0
  • SGT_RIZZO300
    12th Dec 2012
    sorry, i didnt open the save yet so i didnt see yours was supposed to be higher powered XD.... ahh i feel like an idiot now
  • SGT_RIZZO300
    12th Dec 2012
    ADS isnt meant to kill, it more of a riot control time thing. sure if you turn up the power it will but not at normal operation
  • astro-nomical
    12th Dec 2012
    1035762 heated version is complete!
  • astro-nomical
    12th Dec 2012
    check out my concept of microwave radiation with this ID1035642
  • konlo
    12th Dec 2012
    neat. +1
  • astro-nomical
    12th Dec 2012
    the waves are visible with bmtl and glass, but they loose heat as they travel through it, they are pulsed waves. im actually tring to build a radio weapon from a microwave, using it's magnetron.