26 / 9
15th Dec 2012
15th Dec 2012
taken from 0xFF, save id 1038047. He destroys his front page saves, so i'll just take it an ensure it isn't destroyed. I'll probably do this for any saves of his that get front page, demote them and use mine. He obviously only does it to troll.


  • Linkram
    13th Dec 2020
    Jacob 2s biography says that he is your cousin and thats you are bad. I disagree. (Dont let him take over tpt ok?) LOL
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    i'm demoting this ... there's a newer save now. And I never thought this was "amazing" anyway.
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    the animations replay over and over, it just restarts once it's over. I maybe could make an option to stop them ...
  • clono10
    16th Dec 2012
    how it does the circle over and over again
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    clono10: I don't completely understand, but you should ask on either the mod detector or ANIM saves, not here. And rephrase the question there.
  • Sylvi
    16th Dec 2012
    I will be investigating this matter of front page save destruction.
  • WARR3N
    16th Dec 2012
    lol this is awesome i love frogger!
  • PeterY
    16th Dec 2012
    Making from materials a game)
  • clono10
    16th Dec 2012
    so how do you make it like go out like that
  • jacob1
    16th Dec 2012
    it's temp only controls the speed that the ANIM goes at. You can have a low temp to have the animation play back quickly, or higher for slower.