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16th Dec 2012
16th Dec 2012
This is a PLUTonium bomb with a little Tilla Firework Remix. I did NOT test this (But after I upload I will + fix if it's messed up) You use Powered clone + Nuetrons + PLUT + PSCN + WIFI. And the neutrons will explode the PLUT, plut explodes C4, NO COPY.


  • Tillannook
    16th Dec 2012
    Oh, ty. lol I should have, but y'know i'de rather stick with the regular design of the 'Tilla nuke' (Pronounced same as my name lol) Thanks for the tip! I'll do it on future 'Nukes'
  • flashgamer001
    16th Dec 2012
    I see what you did there... this is just me being picky, but maybe swap pbcn for the pcln; less remnants that way