Spark have ctype too, the ctype of spark is the material that spark is goin throught, like metl or iron. If you change it to FIGH, insane stuff happens, and if you suround it with SING, the fighters take the SING and when they die, they release it...
Wait what? What is not true, it does go through walls.
not true! because the figh have ctype (sing) on them and they die when they pass the wall and leaves singularity there but still its like a flash no one can really see +1
Hello! I used your idea for my bomb, which also goes through walls without LIGH. Is that ok, and please check it out!
Oh My Gosh! Congrats! What an acheivment! Lets go FP!
Congrats! You have invented the first bomb that can go through walls without LIGH!!!