29 / 5
10th Feb 2013
18th Feb 2013
this take me 4 hours of work , soon the full picture , tumbs up is you like :)
coolness explosivefry firegod tumbs


  • birchwood829
    10th Feb 2013
    If you press 3 and unpause, he looks like a fire god or something
  • mr--slashlash
    10th Feb 2013
    Shut up and take my money!
  • yusit3
    10th Feb 2013
    thanksphoenix ;) at valentins day ill make a eichi scene or the poster of DJANGO ;) hope you will like it ...now i work on leila ... so difficult ... i'm tired , i will finish her tonigth and post later ^^ now i will look a good film ..
  • thepowderdustflame
    10th Feb 2013
    cool 1+
  • phoenixsilverbird
    10th Feb 2013
    Here, I'll teach you how to do a link! What you have to do, is put this in the sign: {c:0000000|Text}. The zeros are where you put the save ID you want to link to. For example, this ID of this save is 1094978 (look on the page of the save, to the bottom of the save description). Then, you have to put the little line: |. This is not the letter i, or L. It is a symbol on your keyboard, which you might have to look hard for. On my keyboard, it's on the left of the 'Z' key, and you have to use shift to get it. After the line symbol, you have to type in the text you want the link to show. And finally, close the curly bracket. If you need help on finding the curley brackets or the special line, look online on Google.
  • yusit3
    10th Feb 2013
    i'm a old TPt player , i not use colored DMND ... and don't know how do a sign with a link :/ , thanks everybody for like my art . do this take me 4 hours ... so <3 for my fan :) for valentin's day i will make a VERY big suprise for you ;)
  • c-miner-2213
    10th Feb 2013
    OMG I just veiwed this a minute ago and its got fp! Congratz! +1
  • Aroy99
    10th Feb 2013
    Yusit3, you should put like a sign that leads to the bender version. so people will also see the nice art of you... (i'm dutch, so my dutch is not perfect) +1
  • maxybaer123
    10th Feb 2013
    presses space bar DIE!!!!!!!! +1
  • DragonSkin342
    10th Feb 2013
    Wow, no votes down lol!