No offence but its a horrible idea. Did u even think about sometimes people need to copy from others anyway. Sometimes they modify it and they could just resave the save as there own and then copy it.....
then you may do so, this does not exist. it is just a thought, a fictional enforcement, in a fictional world.
I like to copy parts of an electronic and mess around with it.
you need not copy to reverse engineer, nothing is hidden on the 2 dimensional plain of tpt.
you can learn how it works. reverse engineer it of course.
If you can't copy an electronic, you can't learn how it works.
@box: yet again, just a concept. nothing more, nothing less.
wow if you're using kiddo you must be older than my grandmother.... and no, i do like t, just some people abuse it, thus the cancept can be pushed further, only demolishing key parts of the device. like say, someone copies an entire device, and passes it off as his/her own.
This won't be needed. A report system comes in handy.
Things get copied and made into greater and bigger things, if you don't like it, then you don't belong here.