Copies the drawing in the BIZS and paints it onto a new block. It is pretty slow, but it is 100% accurate with the colors.
Subframe: a push/frame
Ah, nvm.
Alec, I found a faster alternative to piston pushing, at 6 pushes per 8 frames!
Again, i think i found the problem. i didnt fix it well enough last time but now it should time right. I think the problem comes because a cray places a battery to start the piston part, but the things that get sparked by the battery either get sparked in the same frame as when the battery is placed or the frame after. I fixed it by starting the spark a frame before the battery is placed
That only happens when it messes up the timing
it doesn't seem to work past two cycles, the BIZR melts on the second one and weird things happen, I saw a ray of hot EMBR being created too.
I think i found the problem
If it stops working, just try again. I think the timing issue comes from what frame it started the copy cycle on, but I can't figure out for sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated