This is amazing, but can you make a version that puts the image into a 0 or 1 that can be transmitted via wire?
Amazing. Reading, compiling, decompiling the data into photonic signatures, and recompiling it into a replica of the original material. Superb engineering. (People downvoted? Really?)
wut O_O how does this work
@iliketodestroystuff i fixed it!, now it works, you have to change the tmp of the pstn that push the coal/inwr thing to 0
You can make it closer with ctrl + x, just make sure theres 1 pixal of space left inbetween them. P.S, It does pull back, just not take the objects with it, Some machines need it to not pull it back, So you can just add anather piston below the paper thing and make it go up after its done going back. then make that one go back.
iliketodestroystuff,this is the technology needed to make the 1st ever working cellphone in the history of tpt!
This no longer works properly, it does not pull back due to an update, It now only works once
You change what it prints using the thing in the centre of the left part