Just a simple demonstration of centrifugal force.
good representation! +1!
LeProYasuo: yes it does exist!
centrifugal force doesnt exist ;)
i dont know if you feel like updating this, but feel free to use the design i created in my car project (turbo) id:1114072
i try to block the vent with Titan & its was so cool than ever
Yeah, but that doesn't make it copied, you can search all you want. 0901290: Sure, go ahead!
I like the amount of planning Uberness put into a comment on a game that no one makes money on. TPT is serious business.
do you mind if i make a smaller version of one of these for use in an engine?
a: This wasn't copied (well, the concept was a little bit), and b: No, I don't make anyone ever vote up my stuff. That would be incredibly conceited.
1. Copy save