Basic part of NLR battle fleet. It has three laser and bomb devices. Powered by Photon-Glow reactor. Uses Newtonian gravity. Destructable at 99%(pcln/clne). Needs running reactor to keep engines working and use any weapon.
@bioboy563, that decreases realism. the engine needs power, and batteries are easily destroyed or removed
hmmmmmm dem patatos mmmmmmmm
"part of the NLR battle fleet." Luna is indeed best princess.
where is the bridge? (Cockpit)
it would be realy nice if that you could make the engin dependent on the glow core.
What I am saying is that the writing and buttons are too small for me to read.
Extremely good but I cannot read the writing.
@BurningKid101 I planned that. It simulates radiation - main defect of ship. BTW photons escape, no neutrons.
wtf. engine/core releases neut and it escapes from the ship.
I know what went wrong. I set ttan tmp to -1, it worked before i saved it. Now its tmp is -/+ 50k so it will last for long time.