it is people like you that make me sad when the highest numder of vies is 164.
No wormholes are smaller than an atom watch steven hawking
wormholes for dummies : wormholes are like black holes but instead of sucking things into non demintonal and cutting the thing into pieces wormholes open gate to another demention or galaxy, so its basically like a portal, yup that is true. so if you jump into one you maybe can see your clone, and they're time traveling. but to find one of these you need to search in deep space.
@kubag99: I don't know how a wormhole looks but this is supposed to look tube-like. Like how a worm digs a hole.
no, that isn't against the rules to say how you voted, lol. Only in the save to ask people to vote with +1
um yeah sorry just read the rules won't say "1+" anymore sorry umm... please don't ban me
It worked before but now it doesn't work