have you ever got a FP???
for both questions and yes for the first one.
do you have trouble with any elements?
OMG you do know that this has a fusion in it right? It took me FOREVER to create a fusion... Join my lego club! type in the search engine user:wafar12 I know its funny that it is on his user but he uploaded it. I am still the founder i am just noting this out cause everybody thinks that wafar12 is the leader.
did you create an account and download all in one day? I dont care if you did, but I started TPT back 3 years ago, whereas I only created an account last year. ill upvote for you! :)
yeah,i am still partly a noob at it cause thats why i look at projects more than i make them. So i can learn how to use things and improve things.
no offence but you arent very good at tpt. at least you enjoy it. {:)