37 / 18
29th Apr 2013
1st Aug 2013
press 3 and then hold ctrl and shift then delete the sky. Now with clouds!
functionfullart shader 3d3d weather skillsgotskills peopledoloveyou


  • Kainus18
    8th Jun 2013
    I made this an Ad on my save id:954026
  • TheNumberCrucher
    11th May 2013
    Your logo is done! ID:1186749
  • Kainus18
    6th May 2013
    faved this
  • Fez_Monkey
    5th May 2013
    Exactly! Finnally somewon understands!
  • Kainus18
    4th May 2013
    wh would you take this down? Its awesome! im angry now. You take this down because its art? does tpt have problems with art?
  • Fez_Monkey
    2nd May 2013
    Yhah, I guees.
  • jacob1
    2nd May 2013
    i'll look at the spam tags after this, but first i'll just start by saying what "functional art" means. If you took away the art would this be a functional fp save? no ... it would just be some LCRY windows that light up and can't even turn off. so .... it's not functional. Also, if you think there is something sexual about this, you have problems ... it's just a house no hidden meaning and no need to look for those in every save. And about konlo, I have good news and bad news. First, I wrote down finally that functional art is not allowed on front page, but I then also wrote down that you can't ask for a save to be removed. Even functionless art will be allowed a while "if it's impressive enough" (directly from the rules), so you can't just ask for any save to be removed for anything that isn't directly against the rules. Anyway, i'll remove this now. While I don't mind it here, a lot of other people do and it's in the rules ...
  • konlo
    2nd May 2013
    @ Fez_Monkey, think of it this way, if it was just flashly lcry would it be on FP? No, its on Fp because it's art, and I say that the functionless art rule still applies.
  • Fez_Monkey
    1st May 2013
    True, but this is functional so it is allowed.
  • joe212
    1st May 2013
    how to make 3d house: 1 fill page up with solid. 2: use colour tool to draw it. and finally save it.