11th May 2013
21st Jul 2013
A black box that is resilient to both heat and pressure, which fuctions well in ambient heat. The indicators on the side notify you of any breach. The box also repels most particles and can withstand most high pressure bombs.
@ WEIRDNUKE: I rememebr you :P @ phoenixsilverbird: The emp was pretty smart. I'll ahve to fix that. @ PTuniverse & combustion-man; It was more to show off stopping ambient heat than anything else.
use LIGH and he broke :D
@combustion-man If we remove the ARAY from your screensaver saves then they are also useless ;)
remove the paste and its useless
@PTUniverse, Errr not really indestructible read my last comment >_>
An indestructible wall zoomed in.
I beat this with my famous FP wall breaker, tested with ambient heat on and off. Container breached, fighter killed, majority of the structure destroyed. id:1161824
but really nice save my friend........ iremember when i used to be almost as famous as you! do you remember?
first comment aw yeh