May be taking this too far but maybe Indium could be LCRY (it is used in screens)
yes you need several more elements, good start
look completing...
Also, BTRY can be considered to be Lithium (or maybe I'm going too far)
Carbon is coal (or diamond). Aluminium is BREL (because BREL+BRMT=THRM, and since BRMT is formed when iron rusts, BREL must be Aluminium). NBLE is Helium, because it's created by HYGN fusion. METL may be copper, because it's melting point is very close to copper & it's used as a conductor, but this is just a wild guess. Besides that, you forgot gold, tungsten, and rubidium.
carbon? rubidium? chlor? noble gases? etc...
you forgot carbon and neon on neon put nble on carbon put coal