47 / 15
15th Jan 2011
8th Jul 2012
The First Periodic Table Of Powder Toy. If you have any suggestions or corrections, please post them on the comments page. (some elements are not available, i've used some substitutes instead)
coal-or-dimond-is-carbon good--keep-on-going--mur table you-ll-have-to-wait-for-others superb-idea- periodic-table periodic elements iron


  • The_Powder_Boy
    16th Nov 2014
    @10goody12, so can titanium :p
  • The_Powder_Boy
    16th Nov 2014
    Put noble gasses in the noble gas section. (The far left, i belive.)
  • Garuda
    29th Dec 2013
    Wow, just looking at this shows truley how maney elments we have on the powder toy, i realy think that they need to add much more than just 9, im saying, i think it would be realy cool if they added all of the elements! realy! How cool would that be! It is a game of reactions and elements after all, so i do think they need to add more elements of the table, i would love it if they did!
  • 10Goody12
    22nd Nov 2013
    Also, I think Na/Sodium/Salt could be represented by salt. Calcium by concrete, Rubidium by Rubidium itself, Chromium by maybe metal but painted to be really shiny, S=Gunpowder, Au=Gold, W=Tungsten and I think those are all the one's that can be represented by it's real-life counterpart. :D
  • 10Goody12
    22nd Nov 2013
    Rusty Ninja Metl=Steel due to It being able to be created by melting Iron and mixing it with Broken Coal. Fe+C=Steel
  • robogeek537
    12th Sep 2013
    this is old, so proboably won't be updated soon.
  • awesometoy
    3rd Sep 2013
    you forgot tungsten and gold ag and w
  • cosmicguy
    19th Jul 2013
    I think Carbon should be represented by coal.
  • jward212
    7th Jun 2013
    no ununtrium un=1 un=1 and tri=3 so it is 113
  • 50billioncubes
    11th May 2013
    Au should have gold and co2 for carbon, titanium,rubidium and scientst101 115 has not even been created so why the offcial name?By the the way 113 is ununoctium.